HomeBlog10 Best Plants For Betta Fish Aquarium

10 Best Plants For Betta Fish Aquarium

One should always try to incorporate more floating aquatic plants into the fish Aquarium because this is what makes Bettas feel at home. However, a few ground plants scattered in a 5-gallon tank or bowl can be beneficial. In this article, we will go over some nice choices for betta fish plants and offer some useful suggestions along the way.

Aquatic plants not only serve to purify the water by removing fish waste, but they also provide a lovely, natural environment for your betta. Betta splendens is typically found in tropical wetlands and rice paddy regions with dense vegetation. As a result, aquarium plants provide fantastic enrichment for your betta to discover, barriers to impede his line of sight in case he becomes territorial, and resting areas for him to sleep at night.

Best Live Plants for Your New Betta Fish Aquarium


Floating plants are an excellent fit for this description, which is why we will include several of them on our list. Furthermore, having very few or no plants in its environment can cause stress in your pet Betta. Stress can cause a Betta fish to lose its vibrant colour and perhaps decrease its ability to survive.

That being said, here are a few of the best plants for a betta tank:

1. Water Wisteria

Water Wisteria is a rapidly growing water plant with soft leaves that requires less care. Apart from being welcoming to beginners, this plant is said to make male Betta fish feel more at ease in their environment.

Furthermore, male Bettas appear to regard the leaf texture of this aquarium plant as adequate protection for their future young. It’s not uncommon to add Water Wisteria to a Betta tank merely to watch your pet fish develop a bubble nest near the plant. However, this plant can be planted in the soil or allowed to float. If you have a male Betta fish, we suggest floating it in the aquarium.

2. Dwarf Sagittaria

Dwarf Sagittaria, also known as Sagittaria Subulata, constitutes one of the handful of foreground plants we suggest on this list. This aquatic plant resembles ordinary grass, making it an excellent foreground option for aquascaping. Its grass blades may get tall enough to give the appearance of an aquatic garden in a small Betta tank or bowls.

As a result, Betta fish enjoy swimming in and around Dwarf Sagittaria, as the plant’s texture appears to trigger their hunting instincts. While you appreciate the beauty of a nicely planted tank, your pet fish will examine every single grass blade with curiosity. Furthermore, Dwarf Sagittaria is easy to care for because it is quite versatile.

3. Dwarf Water Lettuce

The Dwarf Water Lettuce (Pista Stratiotes) is a floating plant ideal for medium-sized Betta fish tanks. Dwarf Water Lettuce’s natural small shading and large root systems make it an ideal addition to your Betta aquarium. The green leaves of dwarf aquatic lettuce will float on the surface of the water, while the long fuzzy roots will extend down into the water columns.

Swimming beside this plant’s roots, which can occasionally reach the bottom of the fish aquarium, will make your Betta feel more secure in the tank. The lengthy roots also provide a more labyrinth-like swimming environment in the aquarium, which Betta fish appreciate because they are explorer.

4. Anubias

Anubias are some of the most famous live plants in the aquarium hobby, and this is no exaggeration. This is why Anubias looks great in any planted tank and is easy to care for. These characteristics make it ideal for newbies who are still starting with aquarium plants.

Furthermore, if the plant is toward the top of the tank, you might notice the Betta relaxing on one of its bigger leaves. The leaves of Anubias Nana are great for this, acting as a natural Betta hammock. This is a natural behaviour for a Betta and indicates that your pet fish is at ease in its aquarium.

5. Java Fern

Java Ferns are perfect for betta fish tanks since they are hardy and easy to care for. They may flourish in low to moderate light levels and do not require nutrient-dense substrates. Bettas can find refuge and rest on the large leaves. The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus spp.

6. Amazon Swords

Amazon Swords, with its long, sword-shaped foliage, are ideal for bigger Betta tanks. They prefer medium to high light levels and nutrient-dense substrates. Their lush foliage provides hiding spots for bettas while also oxygenating the water.

7. Cryptocoryne (cryptocoryne Spp)

Crypts are appreciated for their diverse leaf shapes and hues. They are hardy and thrive under dim to moderate lighting conditions. Cryptocoryne plants can be put straight into the substrate to provide a lush, natural appearance in the aquarium.

8. Java Moss

Java moss is a good choice for betta tanks since it protects the fry and may be utilized to create a carpeting appearance. It thrives in low light and adheres to decorations or substrates. Java moss also contributes to water quality by soaking excess nutrients.

9. Dwarf Lily

Dwarf Lily plants have vibrant green or red leaves that offer a splash of colour to any aquarium. They demand moderate lighting and can be grown in the substrate. Dwarf Lilies grow upright and generate floating leaves, which bettas prefer for resting.

10. Hornwort (ceratophyllum Demersum)

Hornwort is a floating plant that improves water quality by absorbing excess minerals and producing oxygen. It develops swiftly and can be either floating or fixed in the ground. Hornwort also provides a natural breeding ground for betta fish.


Adding real plants to your betta fish aquarium improves its appearance, offers natural filtration, and fosters healthier conditions for your fish. Experiment with various plant combinations and layouts to establish a natural and balanced environment that will benefit both you and your betta.



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