Fishes have been peoples’ primary source of food for many years due to the tasteful nutritional values they contain. However, as it will be seen, many individuals in today’s population consume far less seafood than ideal for maximizing the gains recorded above. From fish oil, lean meats, or the best fish food, seafood is a source of many health benefits and is thus regarded among the best food groups to take.
So, let’s start with why you should include more fish in your diet and how it would improve your life and health.
1. Rich Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Heart Health Benefits
Brain and Cognitive Function
Omega-3 is also a vital nutrient that affects the general brain function. One of the omega-3 fats is DHA which is found in seafood and is a fundamental part of the brain. Several studies have also shown that DHA maintains existing brain cells, and also gives protection in terms of memory and other intellectual abilities we need more of as we age.
Furthermore, being sourced in foods containing omega-3s has shown to be inversely associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and claims to relieve depression and anxiety.
2. High-Quality Protein Source
Fish is the best protein type since it is rich in quality protein which is useful for muscle repair, and the growth of other body muscles. Protein is built by amino acids, and unlike those of plant proteins, fish contain all the nine essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own. This makes seafood be complete protein food that is equivalent to beef poultry and dairy food products.
Seafoods tend to be low in saturated fat, lean meat, and therefore cardiovascular disease friendly, unlike red meats. Protein is used in the management of weight, and muscle mass in the ageing process as well as a nutrient in a balanced diet. However, some fish, such as cod or tilapia, are extremely low in calories, high in protein, and provide a satisfying portion of food that fulfils diets for weight loss.
3. Aids in Vitamin and Mineral Consumption
Iodine and Selenium
Vitamin B12
4. Helps in Weight Control and the Metabolism
Fish is an ideal food for anyone trying to reduce weight or just meet their metabolic needs. Seafood has fewer calories compared to most meats but abundant source of protein, which leads to satiety and a lower-calorie diet.
As it takes time to digest protein as compared to carbohydrates they stated that, since fish is a source of protein someone eating fish has little or no chance of overeating hence becomes easy for such a person to moderate their weight.
5. Beneficial for Mental Health
Seafood’s value to one’s mental well-being is slowly garnering increasing evidence, especially about omega-3 fatty acids. In its recent research, several researchers have observed that the individuals who take higher volumes of seafood have reduced probabilities of depression, and anxiety, in addition to mood swings. As for omega 3’s, the effect is less understood, but it is known they modulate neurotransmitters within the brain such as serotonin, which controls moods and feelings.
Seafood should be taken by both children and adults then this could help to reduce some symptoms of ADHD and general brain improvement. Children with ADHD can benefit from Omega-3s by increasing concentration levels and reducing their impulsivity. They also offer mood-enhancing benefits for people with mood disorders in the adult category including bipolar disorder.
6. Green Source of Protein
But then, issues such as overfishing and water pollution are real but with the advancement in fisheries management, many seafood are environmentally friendly. Fish and other seafood as a source of food have less impact on the environment than the other products of animal husbandry such as beef, mutton, and pork. Therefore, if the seafood is sourced with the right procedures the health of the aquatic ecosystems is enhanced and improved.
Various certifiers like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) exist to give labels that indicate that the fish purchased are from sustainable sources. Farmed fish better known as aquaculture fish – raise fish sustainably and in doing so, has diverted the pressure off wild fish while offering consumers healthy as well as quality fish to take in.