Mahseer fish is the national fish of Pakistan

Mahseer fish lives in the semi-cold waters found in every province of Pakistan. Another name for it is “King of Swat”. Pakistan is a wonderful country and is where you may find Mahseer. Mahseers, also known as Himalayan or Golden Mahasher, are coveted food and crucial game fish for Pakistan’s economy. Fishing freshwater in Pakistan, Mahseer can enjoy one of the nicest experiences worldwide. Mahseers have been very important to local Pakistani fisherman due to their size, high commercial value, golden look, and long shelf life.

Characteristics of National Fish of Pakistan – Mahseer Fish

  • Mahseer is a migratory species, moving upstream during the rainy season.
  • They prefer fast-flowing, clean, and oxygenated waters.
  • Mahseer lay eggs based on their body weight, with a count of over 100.
  • They breed in gravel/sandy stream beds, migrating for suitable breeding grounds.
  • Spawning period falls between April to September, with some younger fish spawning earlier.
  • Mahseer are omnivorous, consuming a wide range of foods including frogs, insects, crustaceans, algae, other fishes, and tree fruits.
  • They are considered to have cultural and religious significance due to their strength and agility.
  • Golden mahseer has golden dorsal sides and reddish-yellow fins.
  • They produce 6,000 – 10,000 eggs per kg during sexual productivity.
  • Most mahseer species have omnivorous habits, with carni-omnivorous habits during migration and aged fishes.

characteristics of mahseer fish

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