Known for their vibrant colours and beautiful movements, goldfish have a long and famous history in Japan that dates back over a thousand years. Originally valued for their rarity, goldfish were brought to Japan from China during the Tang period and quickly came to symbolise wealth and good fortune.
In this blog, we have tried to provide you with a comprehensive guide to the different kinds of goldfish you’re likely to encounter.
Top 10 Types of Goldfish
1. Ranchu Goldfish
The Ranchu goldfish is a popular breed renowned for its spherical body, absence of dorsal fin, and broad hood on the head. They come in a variety of colours and feature a twin tail. Because of their tendency for swim bladder difficulties and the need to maintain their delicate wen, proper care is essential to their well-being.
Ranchus are admired for their beauty, elegant swimming, and pleasant character, making them popular among fish lovers.
2. Comet Goldfish
The standard comet goldfish is the most well-known and easily identifiable type of goldfish. These long-bodied goldfish come in a range of colours including white, brown, gold, and red and grow quite quickly.
This type of goldfish is commonly seen in both huge outdoor ponds and big indoor aquariums. The minimum tank capacity for comet goldfish is 50 gallons.
3. Veiltail Goldfish
The Veiltail is quite similar to the betta fish in that it has an extraordinarily long tail and dorsal fin; however, the length comes at a cost in that it limits the fish’s mobility and is easily injured by décor. They require plenty of space to move about in your tank and are delicate for community aquariums.
The Veiltail has a rounder, slightly more compact body than the Fantail, but its 4-inch-long tail and dorsal fin are what actually distinguishes them. The Veiltail is normally bi or monochromatic, however calico variants may also exist.
4. Shubunkin Goldfish
The Shubunkin goldfish is a unique variety of goldfish because it has a different scale. Shubunkin refers to all goldfish, regardless of type, with a single calico-colored tail. The Shubunkin goldfish stands out due to its calico-colored tail.
Calico refers to a distinctive scale that falls somewhere between metallic and translucent. They eat commercially supplied goldfish flakes or pellets containing meals like prawns.
5. Lionhead Goldfish
The Lionhead goldfish is perhaps the most common type of dorsal-less goldfish. The Lionhead, like the Ranchu, is an uncomfortable swimmer due to the absence of a dorsal fin, hence they enjoy in warmer tanks among other equally vulnerable breeds. The Lionhead resembles the Ranchu and has a typical twin tail.
They often wear a big hood that covers their entire head and face; however, this characteristic is not always present and may be confined to the top of the head alone. Lionheads can be mono, bi, or tri-coloured, with calico occasionally being seen. Common colours include red, orange, brown, black, blue, calico, and combinations of red and white or black and white.
6. Bubble Eye Goldfish
The Bubble Eye goldfish is one of the most unique-looking fancy goldfish available, and as a result, it is often kept in aquariums. They cannot be found in the wild and are only bred in captivity. Though the majority of the goldfish we’ve seen are fairly simple to care for, the Bubble Eye will require a little more effort.
As an adult, the Bubble Eye goldfish will reach a length of around 5 inches. The Bubble Eye, like its namesake, has two separate fluid-filled sacs on each cheek. The Bubble Eye goldfish is an omnivore that prefers goldfish pellets to floating flakes since they are known to inhale air when eating.
7. Telescope Goldfish
The telescope goldfish is said to be inherited from wild carp and is one of approximately 125 captive-bred fantail goldfish species. The type of fish is a fancy goldfish with a spherical or egg-shaped body, a broad head, and a split tail (caudal) fin that can be medium or lengthy in length.
Its eyes are huge and emerge from the head via long stalks situated on the sides. The telescope goldfish comes in a variety of colours, including red, blue, brown, white, and calico. The fish might have two or three colours.
8. Ryukin Goldfish
The Ryukin goldfish is a descendant of the Fantail goldfish, and it laid the path for other double-tailed fish like the Watonai and butterfly goldfish. This goldfish thrives in ponds and enjoys warmer temperatures, which may be achieved with a heater. If you’re seeking little goldfish breeds, the Ryukin is an excellent choice because it’s also quite friendly with other goldfish varieties.
This goldfish has a spherical body with a pronounced humped back, making it appear taller than it is long, as well as a distinctive double tail. Those with longer tails are also characterised as ribbon or fringe-tailed.
9. Oranda Goldfish
The Oranda goldfish is the result of selective breeding and has a distinctive characteristic and a variety of colours, making it a popular choice among goldfish owners. They are rather quiet and can coexist with other temperate fish of comparable size.
The adults are around 8 to 9 inches long, and their most distinguishing feature is the fleshy outgrowth on the top of their heads. This may merely cover the top of their head or maybe their full face. These fish love high-quality goldfish flakes along with live/frozen foods like prawns and bloodworms.
10. Celestial Eye Goldfish
The Celestial eye goldfish, commonly known as the stargazer, is the outcome of selective breeding, which started as a mutation. This fish’s key distinguishing feature is its big eyes. They lack a dorsal fin and have huge caudal and tail fins, making it difficult to move around in water.
Typical colours include pure black, orange, and calico. They eat the usual goldfish diet, which includes goldfish flakes or pellets, veggies and live food like brine shrimp.
There are multiple different types of goldfish. They come in a wide range of forms, sizes, and colours, each with its own characteristics and care requirements. Whether you prefer the beauty of the Oranda or the uniqueness of the Bubble Eye, these best goldfish varieties cater to all fish lovers.
Understanding their demands guarantees a healthy and visually appealing addition to any aquarium.